Get Schooled

a journal of my adventure back to college to finish my degree

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Wednesday, August 28, 2002
Reflections on Work

Last night I was thinking about the kinds of jobs I’ve had over the years. Lawn maintenance, child care, house painting and repair, language teaching, dishwashing, food delivery, cooking, office assistance, elementary school teaching, off-set printing, used-book sales, political activism, and coffee-making, to name a few.

It is clear from certain Scriptures that --slave or free-- believers serve the Lord Jesus in their labor. This is a comforting thought, as it was often the only thing that seemed to give any significance to alienating and sisyphean employments. While work was an originally good creation, it was subjected to frustration in man’s rebellion and God’s curse. And nonetheless, God enables some to find an amount of enjoyment in their labor.

Over the years I have found precious little enjoyment in any work outside of academics. As I consider the current global economy and labor throughout world history, I must admit that scholarship is a genuine luxury. And now, at least for another year, I am permitted to engage in this one satisfying and luxurious task full-time. Thank God.

Sunday, August 25, 2002
Different This Time

At the party I was asked what I intend to do differently this time in college. I confessed to having a list. In many ways I'm in an advantageous position: returning to college with a bit more experience and maturity than when I entered the first time. So I count on making the most of this opportunity. Now, some things on my list are trivial (e.g. use fitness facilities) and others are more significant (e.g. modify my activism m.o.). Above all, the one thing I intend to do differently this time, whatever else I may do, is graduate.

I know there is an amount of justified skepticism among my friends. I'm not known for being an over-achiever or a march-to-the-beat sort of guy. I could really screw this up, and that would be sadder than sad. And no one, including my benefactor, would be sadder than me. I have a healthy fear of the consequences of irresponsibility here. So with the firm determination of all my religious zeal, I resolve to be a diligent student and graduate.

Ultimately speaking, the Almighty Himself --in "almost extraordinary" providence-- is sending me back to school. In that regard, I will "work out my graduation" with fear and trembling, relying on His enabling grace with perpetual and immense gratitude.

Friday, August 23, 2002

Tonight there is a birthday party for one of my housemates and a goodbye party for me. Several friends are coming in from out of town. In a week I'll be leaving for Redeemer Univeristy College to finish my undergrad degree in philosophy. That's the plan, D.V. On this site you will find posts on my progress.